Friday, September 3, 2010

Prayer Spotlight on Kenmore Community Church

"The LORD is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble,
and He knows those who take refuge in Him." ~ Nahum 1.7

Dear saints,

We've been entrusted with many personal prayer requests this week. Thank you for enduring in prayer, even in times when it doesn't flow easily. You are wearing spiritual armor, facing an unseen enemy, but your weapons--invisible words!--are mighty through God! Praise Him to whom all power belongs.

Our Prayer Spotlight this week, August 29-Sept 4, has been on the First Romanian Pentecostal Church, Pastor Vasile Antemie.

Our Prayer Spotlight next week September 5-11, 2010, will be on Kenmore Community Church, Pastor Mark and MaryBeth Rogers.

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