Saturday, October 12, 2019

Intro to 12 blessings for your house to print and proclaim

I love collecting Scripture treasuries!

I put together a list of 12 blessings from the Lord on our houses in 2 slightly different formats: 

In my home, I have printed this, posted it, and I proclaim it, in Jesus' Name! You and I, we wage war against the unclean spirits with the Promises of God, the testimony of Jesus. 

Think of these as 3-way blessings:
  1. God's blessings on my house of wood and plasterboard, 
  1. God's blessings on my family household (wherever they may live), 
  1. God's blessings on my body as a dwelling for my soul and spirit together with the Spirit of the Lord!
Let's add a 4th: the Church as the household and dwelling place of God!

I love all 12 of these blessings, but this one is special because in Christ we are the dwelling of the Wise; Jesus Christ within is our Hope of Glory, our Precious Treasure who pours out the Oil of His Holy Spirit in us, on us, through us!

"There is precious treasure and oil in the dwelling of the wise." - Proverbs 21.20

May the Lord Jesus continue to reign over all our houses with His peace!

Enjoy :^)

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Light Up the City hosting 2-day Workshop, March 5-6, 2019

Please share this event information with your contacts and networks:

WHO: all who desire to see the Kingdom of God advance in our cities through helping those in need. (If you can't attend, please pray.)
WHAT"The Advance 2019" a 2-day workshop for church network leaders from around the Greater Seattle Region to seek God together in worship, prayer, encouragement, & testimony on how to organize, network, and advance the Kingdom of God in our cities.  
Pre-registration required. Info and cost online: 
WHENMarch 5-6, 2019
Tuesday 3/5 (1pm-8pm) and Weds 3/6 (8am - 1pm)

WHEREWestminster Chapel, 13646 NE 24th Street, Bellevue, WA 98005
WHY: "They only asked us to remember the poor -- the very thing I also was eager to do!" - Galatians 2.10
HOSTED BY: Light Up the City is an arm of Seattle's Union Gospel Mission that exists to help the Church synergize to more effectively share the love of God through prayer and good deeds in Jesus' Name.