Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Continuing in prayer together for our city...

"Ask and you will receive that your joy may be made full!" - John 16.24

Dear saints,

Thank God that today is the 1st day of our 8th year of praying together for the city of Kenmore! We have seen God graciously move in our midst, and we are hungry for more of Jesus, more of His Kingdom! Together, let's press into Him more than ever this year.

Let's acknowledge those who have been praying for Kenmore for many more than the 7 years we have sown together, and ask God to bring more of His saints into our circle. May our unity in Christ grow and deepen as His Spirit works in our hearts. As Jesus prayed in John 17, may our unity in Christ be a powerful witness to the world around us. Is there someone you know to invite into our prayer circle?

I was invited by another ministry to send them my 3 top prayer requests for 2014. The prayer below grew out of that. Will you send me your 3 top prayer requests for 2014? We will place them before the Lord every Friday morning at 8:30 a.m. when we meet at The Living Room Consignment & Tea for 1 hour to pray for the city. (Join us when you can, in person or in Spirit!) As the year rolls by, let's check in and see what great things the Lord has done for us! Blessed by His Name!

Let's pray!
Father in heaven, we love You! How grateful we are to be Your children, adopted into Jesus Christ, saved from sin by His blood, anointed with Him to serve in Your Kingdom. Bless us all this year with our greatest unity ever, from the time the Promise of Your Spirit was poured out for the first time until this very day. 

Lord God, when we consider how eager You must have been to fulfill that Promise, how greatly You desired to pour out Your Spirit upon believing hearts, our souls are stirred by the depth and goodness of purposes for us! How great is Your heart of love for us!

Father, show us what our top 3 prayer requests should be for this year, that at the end of 2014, we might see and know that God has done wonders in our lives.

Teach us how to joy in Jesus this year. Draw us into the joy of heaven when one sinner repents. Prompt us to place Spirit-led petitions before Your throne of grace continually, that our joy might be made full. Thank You so much that JOY is Your desire for us.

Grant us to see Your hand move in our city, that Kenmore would shine as a city of life, with great unity among our pastors and congregations, that our light would so shine before men that they would see our good works and glorify our Father who is in heaven. Jesus, build Your Church here! We need You to be King here!

Let us see Your abundant blessing rest upon our families, that all our children would walk in the truth, that they would become mighty men and women of faith, full of Your Holy Spirit, that we would be generous and courageous and loving, that all our needs would be met in every sphere of live, in Jesus' mighty name.

Thank You, Lord God, for Your promises to save us to the uttermost, to make us fruitful, to provide our daily bread, to teach us daily, to protect us by Your great power for a salvation ready to be revealed at the last time. Hallelujah!

Almighty God, grant us all that we would always live dressed in readiness with ours lamp full and lit! Raise up harvest workers in our city. Guard us all by Your Spirit, that no one would fall into sin, that we would all encourage one another day by day, that we would all pursue holiness, calling on God from a pure heart. Fill our hearts with a hunger for Your Word, that we might grow thereby. Spirit of God, keep us filled and focused and fruitful, in the love of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Thank You, Father God, for all the saints, for Your faithfulness toward us, for Your power flowing through us to reach lost and hurting people with Your love and truth.
If you agree, let me hear your AMEN to the glory of God through us in Christ!

Praise God for making Kenmore a City of Life!
Katie Rhodes
Kenmore Prayer Circle
~ Providing a place of prayer for the community,
~ Knitting the believers heart-to-heart to form a net for His harvest