"...that He might present her to Himself a glorious church,
not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be holy and without blemish." ~Ephesians 5:27
Dear saints,
Please be in prayer for God to govern our city, and to guide the voters to choose those who will do His will.
We are also agreeing with you in prayer for an outburst of mercy, grace, healing, provision, and deliverance for those in our midst facing ongoing challenges in health, in relationships, in work, and in finances.
Father in heaven, we pray that as You choose to channel these blessings through the Church to her individual members, that we would be willing vessels who listen and obey. May You Yourself, Lord God, guide and shape the Body of Christ into relationships that will be a safety net for people whose world is turned upside down, that we won't be stuck in religious activity or daily distractions, but will walk together with Christ and with each other in newness of life, in Jesus' Name. Praises to You, Lord our God. Thanks to You forever!
~ Brian and his wife Melinda as he faces cancer: healing and financial provision
~ *Dennis and his wife Linda as he battles cancer: healing and financial provision
~ Zach, a young boy paralyzed by a neck injury, that his mom would be strengthened and guided to a job that can support them: healing and financial provision
~ David , his wife Deb and kids as he faces early-onset Alzheimers: healing and financial provision
FUNDRAISING? Donate quality household furnishings to The Living Room Consignment & Tea with the consignment proceeds going directly to needs in the Church, such as the people on our prayer list, or for missions, or any work of the gospel that you designate.
*Linda shared an encouraging word in her latest CaringBridge journal entry:
"Please pray for Dennis
- Dennis’ blood counts have dropped recently and this has been a challenge! For now, he won’t have to have a blood transfusion as previously thought.
- He is going to have to take Revlimid capsules that can have adverse reactions. This helps target the “hot spot” cancer cells that are producing “bad” proteins. Dennis said no to radiation treatment.
- He will be receiving vitamin B shots to give him more energy.
- He is struggling with painful neuropathy in his legs and feet.
- Financial provision for treatment.
Our friends Simon & Sarah gave us a gift today with these words: WHAT CANCER CANNOT DO:CANCER IS SO LIMITED…IT CANNOT CRIPPLE LOVE, IT CANNOT SHATTER HOPE,IT CANNOT DISSOLVE FAITH, IT CANNOT DESTROY PEACE,IT CANNOT KILL FRIENDSHIP, IT CANNOT SUPPRESS MEMORIES,IT CANNOT SILENCE COURAGE, IT CANNOT INVADE THE SOUL,IT CANNOT STEAL ETERNAL LIFE, IT CANNOT CONQUER THE SPIRIT.(Primitives-Kathy Phillips, Lancaster, Pennsylvania)We agree with these decrees!We are grateful for all your prayers, love, and financial help. All monies go toward his weekly treatments.Our God wins!Dennis Trout Health Fund, 8806 116th Avenue NE, Kirkland, WA 98033
Love to each of you in Christ! Thank God for each prayer He is prompting in us and through us all, for Jesus' sake,
Katie RhodesKenmore Prayer Circle