Be of good courage, and let us be strong for our people and for the cities of our God. And may the Lord do what is good in His sight. 2 Samuel 10:12 (NKJV)
Dear saints,
First, an invite from Pastor Marvin Jonasen to "COFFEE HOUSE: An Evening of Fellowship & Song" on June 25 at 7:00 p.m., at Northlake Lutheran Church, 6620 NE 185th Street, Kenmore, WA 98028, (425) 486-6977. A freewill offering will be taken to support "The Church of Steadfast Love", a ministry of Compass Housing Alliance.
Second, the headline verse above is borrowed from Emmie Stanley's weekly prayer bulletin for Power To Change, praying for city transformation in Canada, "When we pray over our cities, we partner with God for His purposes in the earth, and He will bring it to pass."
Last, the Prayer Spotlights:
This week's Prayer Spotlight for June 4-10, 2011: the marketplace in Kenmore.
"Father in heaven, we praise You for establishing Your throne on Righteousness and Justice. We thank You for setting boundaries on our lives through Your eternal principles. Thank You for teaching us the law of sowing and reaping. Thank You for teaching us how to use our marketplace choices as spiritual warfare...
"Father God, we confess that we have often failed to apply Your eternal values to our marketplace exchanges, whether buying or selling or working or employing. Please forgive us for being earthly-minded and carnal. Forgive us for being selfish, greedy, lazy, mindless, and wasteful. Please grant us wisdom to understand the consequences of our marketplace choices. Guide us to buy and sell, to work and to hire, based on Your precepts and led by Your Spirit.
"Lord Jesus, help us do our work heartily, as unto You. Help us to steward Your money with wisdom and generosity and a view to generational blessings. Help us to understand, live by, and defend Your principles in every facet of life, on every level of society. For Jesus' honor, we ask to be Christians of integrity, whose lives are not divided into "sacred and secular", but who are altogether holy, set apart unto God, in all we think, and say, and do, to the glory of Jesus...
"Lord Jesus, by Your invitation and our choice to respond, we are yoked to You, not to our burdens or to our desires. Yoked to You and led by Your Spirit, we are set free to do what is right in joy and thanksgiving. Thank You, gracious Savior."
Next week's Prayer Spotlight for June 11-17, 2011: the ministries in Kenmore:
"Father, please stir each heart to seek You earnestly, to listen for Your voice, to delight to do Your will. Please create a time and place for us all to get together and do 3 things: (1) worship You together, (2) love each other better, and (3) work together to see this city transformed by the gospel of Jesus Christ. In His name and for His glory we ask.
Thanks for praying for the city. If you have prayer requests or praise reports to share, send them. You are welcome to join a focused time of prayer for the city on Friday mornings at 8:30-9:30 at The Living Room Consignment, next to CareNet Pregnancy Resources Center in Kenmore.
See the list on http://kenmoreprayercircle. html
"Dear Heavenly Father, thank You SO much for placing so many ministries in Kenmore. Thank You for increasing our connections in Christ for greater impact in this city. Thank You for giving every saint special gifts and assignments to advance Your gospel in Kenmore. Please protect each of Your servants. Provide for their material needs. Please fill them with Your Spirit and grant them wisdom to use their spiritual gifts, their time, their money, and their relational connections to honor and exalt You..."Father, please stir each heart to seek You earnestly, to listen for Your voice, to delight to do Your will. Please create a time and place for us all to get together and do 3 things: (1) worship You together, (2) love each other better, and (3) work together to see this city transformed by the gospel of Jesus Christ. In His name and for His glory we ask.
Thanks for praying for the city. If you have prayer requests or praise reports to share, send them. You are welcome to join a focused time of prayer for the city on Friday mornings at 8:30-9:30 at The Living Room Consignment, next to CareNet Pregnancy Resources Center in Kenmore.