Thursday, April 28, 2011

Prayer Spotlight for April 30-May 7, 2011

 "For you have need of endurance, so that when you have done the will of God,
you may receive what was promised."
~ Hebrews 10.36

Didn't get to posting this last week leading up to Resurrection Sunday, but we did focus our Kenmore Prayer Spotlight on: 

Kenmore Community Church , Pastor Mark and MaryBeth Rogers
7504 NE Bothell Way, Kenmore, WA 98028
(425) 486-7487
Prayer meetings Mondays 7 pm and Tuesdays 1:30 pm

Our Prayer Spotlight this week is on:
* The Lighthouse Foursquare Church , Pastor Bill and Terry Hill
15725 Simonds Road NE, Kenmore, WA 98028
(425) 488-8231 Prayer chain via email

"Father in heaven, thank You for granting every good thing to those who ask!
~You alone can move our straying hearts to repent and turn from wrong to right, so we ask You for grace to live with continually repentant hearts. 
~You alone can give us power to endure our trials, stay on our harvest field, and reap a bountiful harvest, so we ask You for endurance. 
~You alone can give us joy in the journey, a desire to live worthy of all You have done for us and all that You have promised us to come, so we ask You for joy and thankfulness. 
~Praises to You forever, for You are good and Your lovingkindness never fails. Thank You, in Jesus' Name."

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Prayer Spotlight April 10-16, 2011: First Romanian Pentecostal Church

"And now I commend you to God and to the word of His grace,
which is able to build you up
and to give you the inheritance among all those who are sanctified."
~ Acts 20.32
Dear saints,
Praise God for giving us each other as part of our inheritance in Christ. May we truly grow in our devotion to each other, just as Christ is devoted to us.

This week, I'd like to share with you a prayer written by Wayne Dillard on the morning of April 3, 2010, not knowing it would be the day he would go home to be with our Savior in heaven. (See prayer just below Spotlight.) Kathleen Dillard continues their ministry of encouragement to prayer and good deeds:

Prayer Spotlight for this week April 3-9: We continue prayer for Episcopal Church of the Redeemer, Pastor John Fergueson, that they would hit their target, reach the prize, and fulfill their destiny in and through Jesus Christ our Redeemer.

Prayer Spotlight for next week April 10-16:  Let's use Wayne's prayer this week, putting in the name of First Romanian Pentecostal Church,
Pastor Vasile Antemie, 8315 NE 155th, Kenmore, WA 98028, (425) 488-7783,

Wayne Dillard’s Resurrection Prayer
"I was thinking about Christ this morning, and His resurrection. How He ascended and is now seated at the right hand of the Father. And how He is now represented on earth through His Body, the collective believers He is gathering together from every tongue and tribe and nation. We are His voice, and hands and feet, and together, as we each move in obedience to the Holy Spirit we represent Him in this dark and fallen world.
"What a privilege, what a blessing, to be in this world, but not of it. To be a reflection of hope to those in despair. To be the ones who call out into this cave of darkness, “over here, over here, we found the way out!” We have been rescued by the death and resurrection of Christ, and we now have the privilege of bring that ‘Good News’ to others.
"I bless you in the name of Christ, whose blood covers the doorpost of your life, whose death set you free from darkness, and whose resurrection empowers you to glorify His name through bold acts of faith.
"I bless you in the name of the One, who loves you with an everlasting love, who knows all your thoughts, catches ever tear, and hears every whisper. The One who makes a way when there is no way, and brings streams in the midst of your desert.
"I bless you with the peace of Christ that passes understanding, and carries you up and over the obstacles of life. The knowing that there is more than you can see, and that in Christ you live and breathe and move and have your being.
"I bless you with the resurrection power of Jesus, that calls you to your place, unites you with fellow believers, equips you for exploits and sends you forth with boldness and purpose.
"May Jesus, the son God, the Christ, the Lamb that was slain for the sins of the world, the Prince of Peace, the King of Kings, the One true God, who reigns and rules forever be represented through your life, and glorified by your faith, love and obedience.
"In the mighty and worthy name of Jesus, Amen."
Wayne Dillard
April 3rd, 2010
We have also received prayer requests for a family facing opposition to the gospel among its generations, resulting in serving a cult, in addictions and multiplied sorrows. Let us pray for deliverance for A.H.'s family, by the power of God who is greater than all our enemies, in Jesus' Name and for His sake.

Thank you and bless you for praying for each other! Let's continue to agree with the Eternal God, Jehovah, for the transformation this city through the presence of Jesus in His Body here, by the power of His Spirit indwelling all the saints. Praises to Him forever!

Katie Christine Rhodes
Kenmore Prayer Circle

The Living Room ~ Consignment & Tea ~
6524 NE 181st, Suite 10, Kenmore, WA  98028
OPEN 10-6 Tuesday-Saturday, and by appointment
Closed Sunday-Monday

Kenmore Coffee & Tea
OPEN 6-6 Monday-Saturday

Saturday, April 2, 2011

April 1-7, 2011 Prayer Spotlight and bulletin for the Church in Kenmore

"To Him who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb,
be blessing and honor and glory and dominion
forever and ever."
~Revelation 5.13

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

As I read the book of Revelation and consider the frequent scenes of worship at the throne of God, I remember another Scripture, 1 John 4.8, "God is Love". How easily worship flows in the presence of Love. We love because He first loved us; we worship because He first loved us, and we worship in the Presence of Love. Blessing and honor and glory and dominion forever and ever to One whose love blesses us, honors us, glorifies us, and grants us dominion as His servants, in Jesus' Name.

May Jehovah keep us mindful that we live and move and have our being in Love at all times. May our thoughts, words, and actions spring from a desire to honor such a wonderful Savior and Friend. May we be found taking refuge in the Lord, for God knows those who take refuge in Him.

Please remember you are not alone. Let others know when you have needs; how else can we exercise the "one another" commands in Scripture except by sharing life together in Christ? We reject the spirit of fear; it is not from our Father. We pray for the city's welfare in Christ each Friday morning, 8:30-9:30 in Kenmore.

Here are some specific prayer requests and church news items for us:
Kenmore Prayer Circle Spotlight for April 3-9, 2011 shines on:
* Episcopal Church of the Redeemer, Father John Fergueson
6211 NE 182nd Street, Kenmore, WA 98028
(425) 486-3777,,

"Father in heaven, we ask You to grip Episcopal Church of the Redeemer in the love and truth that are in Christ Jesus. Grant them to be fruitful in the gospel of Jesus Christ. Grant them to be overcomers in Christ, in Jesus' Name. Grow them up in grace and in the knowledge of Jesus, to show forth the excellencies of Him who has called us out of darkness into His marvelous light. Holy Spirit, we ask in Jesus' Name and for His honor, move by Your Spirit in the Episcopal Church of the Redeemer today."
Wednesday, April 6th, 7 pm at The Lighthouse Foursquare, 15725 Simonds Road NE, Kenmore, WA 98028
Special Guest SpeakerZulfia Faivulleyeva from Kazakhstan will share her wonderful testimony of Jesus' salvation.
(I think this is the same woman sharing her testimony at GateKeypers, a breakfast meeting for Christian business people, on Monday, April 4 7AM - 8:30AM at Dennys Restaurant, 7129 Bothell - Everett Hwy. Bothell WA
Wednesday, April 13, 2011, Northshore Christian Women's Connection Brunch
Inglewood Country Club, 6505 Inglewood Road N.E., Kenmore, WA 98028
9:45 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.    $16.00
Bring a friend....Wear your Aloha attire!
Our Guest Speaker, Lis McIntosh, will talk with us about "A Coat of Many Colors".
Jerry Goodman will again Bless us with Worship through his Incredible Voice! 
Please reserve your place today.
TUESDAY, APRIL 12, volunteers needed for Jacob's Well Hospitality.
Jacob's Well it is an organization of volunteers building housing for homeless mothers and children in Shoreline. If you can donate lunch items and/or help serve lunch to the volunteers on April 12, please rsvp. PLEASE PRAY THAT GOD WILL BLESS THE CONSTRUCTION IN APRIL WITH SAFETY, FAVOR, GOOD WEATHER, AND MORE CONSTRUCTION VOLUNTEERS.
GOOD FRIDAY, APRIL 22, at 7:30 pm at 7504 NE Bothell Way, Kenmore, WA 98028:
Kenmore Community Church invites everyone to their Good Friday presentation of "Twelve". Looks like a wonderful way to prepare our hearts for Resurrection Sunday! See you there!
Saturday, April 30, 2 pm: Spring Tea at The Lighthouse Foursquare!
This delightful gathering transforms our sanctuary each spring into a Victorian Tearoom for just one day!
Please contact me if you would like to join us. Our speaker this year is Cherie Shuvee, a joyful God-lover who will encourage your heart in the grace and the truth that flow from our Father. An excellent way to reach out to women who do not know our Savior.


~ Please continue to hold up Pastor Dennis Trout, his wife Linda, and all their family. Update here:

~ Similarly, we are standing with David Shelton, his wife Deb, and their family. Update:
Here is an excerpt of one of David's acclaimed performances of The Great King:
Caution! This excerpt is a cliffhanger :^), so you'll want to know about ordering the full DVD here:, Also available in Kenmore at The Living Room ~Consignment & Tea.

~ Thank you for your prayers for businesses and employment for people in the Church.

~ Praise God for a small group from a Kirkland church that wants to do volunteer work in Kenmore as a way to bring the presence of Christ into the community!

~ Praise God for His gifting us with each other!

~ Praise God for answering our prayers for righteousness and justice, for mercy and peace, for truth and love in this city! In government, in our families, in our schools, in our businesses, in our arts and information media, in our foreign fields and missionary connections. May Jesus continue to connect us in the perfect bond of unity...His love.

~ Praise God for making us new wine skins to hold the new wine!

~ Please pray for Pamela, who has had stomach flu all week. That's way too long!

~ Please pray for Jim, who has had a bad cold and fever all week.

"Father in heaven, we ask You to send encouragement and healing to all those who are facing physical trials today, all those who are facing financial trials today, all those who are facing emotional trials today. You are standing with us, for You have promised to. You are upholding us with Your righteous right hand, for you have promised to. You are sending Your Word and healing us, for You have promised to. Your promises are "YES" in Christ, and in Christ is our AMEN to the glory of God through us. Thank You, Father God! Glory to Jesus."

Thanks for praying together! Blessings to you in Jesus' Name,
Katie Christine Rhodes
Kenmore Prayer Circle