"Father in heaven, we thank You for our pastors, the shepherds You have appointed over us. Grant us to honor them properly, to pray for them, to heed Your teaching through them. Grant us Your spirit of generosity, to continue to bless our home churches with our full tithe and our love offerings, so our pastors will be buoyed up by the faithfulness of their flock...faithful to You in response to Your promises...
"Give our pastors a deep and settled peace in knowing Jesus, their Lord and Saviour. Grant them to grow in grace. Bless their families; protect their family circle from the evil one. Protect their communications, that their speech would be pleasing to You and that they would not be misunderstood. Protect their hearts from the liar who shoots darts of discouragement or pride or any other false belief; let the faith of Jesus surround them as a shield and keep their hearts in all humility and joy. Increase their wisdom in the Word, that they may increasingly enjoy You and continually win souls for You..
"Grant them to love each other fervently from the heart, to accept one another, to pray for each other, and to stand together in Your battle array. Connect them as repairers of the breach, restorers of the streets in which to dwell. Let our pastors share a hunger for the Church in this city to live and work together in unity in the Spirit of Jesus, to the display of Your splendor. In Jesus' Name we place these requests before You, Father God, with joy and thanksgiving."